Currently in Malibu there are 342 malibu homes for sale.
The interesting item to note is that the average days on market for Malibu homes is 170 days. The lowest price for these listings of Malibu property for sale is $449,999 and the highest price for luxury malibu real estate is $75,000,000.
Currently, the malibu realtor must work very hard because the average sold price per square foot is $854.58 versus an average of $1,388 per square foot for active malibu real estate.
Another interesting fact is that of the Malibu homes that have sold in 2011, all of the malibu real estate that sold was for 87% of its original asking price on average.
As a buyer this is good leverage to negotiate a great price for a home because you can base your numbers off statistics and facts and not just simply what you are willing to pay.
As a seller, it is crucial to price your home accurately such that it can actually become in the SOLD category. Studies have shown that sellers who have their listings overpriced from the get go, usually lose more money in the end because they have to incur a price reductions.
To learn more about malibu real estate, contact Russell at 310.589.2471.